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Added the Data, fitter, and statistiline_filter scripts that are necessary working with the model.
This commit is contained in:
Ralf Magnus Palmiste 2024-07-11 10:08:48 +03:00
parent 0e504c0176
commit f887c94a70
3 changed files with 421 additions and 0 deletions

Data.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import numpy as np
import h5py
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
class Data:
def __init__(self, filename, group_key):
self.filename = filename
self.datasets = []
with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as h5:
if 1:
print(f"Atribuudid grupis '{group_key}'")
grp = h5[group_key]
self.current = grp["current_raw"][()] / grp.attrs["c_mem"]
self.current_t = grp["current_t"][()]
self.ECal = grp.attrs["vrev"]
self.gGaL = grp.attrs["gmax"]
self.eid = group_key
def get_current_slice(self, times: np.ndarray):
interpolator = interp1d(self.current_t, self.current, fill_value="extrapolate")
return interpolator(times)

fitter.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
import time
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
import pandas as pd
import re
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
from model import Model
from Data import Data
class Fitter:
def __init__(self, model: Model, data: Data, current_fit_range: tuple = (107, 341)) -> None:
current_fit_range : tuple (t0, t1), t0 nad t1 are start and stop times in between current is fitted
self.model = model
self.data = data
self.current_fit_range = current_fit_range
self.fit_results = {}
self.tspan = [0, 1000]
self.dt = 1 # 1.0
self.time_points = np.arange(*self.tspan, self.dt)
self.iteration = 0 # least squares iteration counter
t0, t1 = self.current_fit_range = current_fit_range
self.current_time_indecies = (t0 <= self.time_points) & (self.time_points <= t1)
self.measured_current = self.data.get_current_slice(
self.time_points[self.current_time_indecies] / 1000
) # calculating in ms but data recorded in sec
def convolve_current(self, current: np.ndarray, tau=1.5):
if np.abs(tau) < 1e-8:
return current
k = np.zeros(current.size)
k[k.size // 2 :] = np.exp(-np.arange(k.size // 2) / np.abs(tau))
k /= k.sum()
if tau > 0:
return np.convolve(current, k, mode="same")
return np.convolve(current, k[::-1], mode="same")
def cost_func(self, parameters: np.ndarray):
model = self.model()
gGaL, ECal, K_pc_half, tau_xfer, tau_RC, offset = parameters
model.ECaL = ECal
model.gCaL = gGaL
model.K_pc_half = K_pc_half
model.tau_xfer = tau_xfer
_calc_curr = model.calculated_current()
calculated_current = self.convolve_current(_calc_curr, tau=tau_RC)[self.current_time_indecies] + offset
res = self.measured_current - calculated_current
err = np.mean(res**2) # mean squared error
self.iteration += 1
print(self.iteration, parameters.tolist(), "err", err)
# measured_fluo = self.data.fluo
# fluo_interplolator = interp1d(self.time_domain, model.calculated_fluo)
# calculated_fluo = fluo_interplolator(self.data.fluo_time)
if self.iteration < -0:
t = self.time_points[self.current_time_indecies]
plt.plot(t, _calc_curr[self.current_time_indecies], label="calculated current")
plt.plot(t, self.measured_current, label="measured current")
plt.plot(t, calculated_current, label="conv calculated current")
plt.plot(t, self.measured_current - calculated_current, label="error")
plt.xlabel("time, ms")
plt.ylabel("current, pA/pF")
# exit()
return res # , measured_fluo - calculated_fluo)
def optimize(self, init_parameters=None):
t0 = time.time()
self.iteration = 0
if init_parameters is None:
m = self.model()
K_pc_half = m.K_pc_half
tau_xfer = m.tau_xfer
tau_RC = 1.5
offset = 0
d = self.data
init_parameters = np.array([d.gGaL, d.ECal, K_pc_half, tau_xfer, tau_RC, offset])
bounds = (
(0.01, 10, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -5, -10),
(10, 100, 100, 1, 100, 10, 10),
res = least_squares(self.cost_func, init_parameters, bounds=bounds, xtol=1e-10)
print(" Parameters: [gGaL, ECal, K_pc_half, tau_xfer, tau_RC, offset]")
print(" Initial:", init_parameters.tolist())
print(" Optimized:", res.x.tolist())
print(" Optim status:", res.status)
print("Optim message:", res.message)
gGaL, ECal, K_pc_half, tau_xfer, tau_RC, offset = res.x
'gGaL': gGaL,
'ECal': ECal,
'K_pc_half': K_pc_half,
'tau_xfer': tau_xfer,
'tau_RC': tau_RC,
'offset': offset,
'mean_squared_error': err })
model = self.model()
model.ECaL = ECal
model.gCaL = gGaL
model.K_pc_half = K_pc_half
model.tau_xfer = tau_xfer
_calc_curr = model.calculated_current()
calculated_current = self.convolve_current(_calc_curr, tau=tau_RC) + offset
print("Elapsed time:", time.time() - t0)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(24, 12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax1.plot(1000 * self.data.current_t, self.data.current, label="Measured")
ax1.plot(self.time_points, calculated_current, label="Calculated")
ax1.set_xlabel("time, ms")
ax1.set_ylabel("current, pA/pF")
tp = self.time_points[self.current_time_indecies]
ax2.plot(tp, self.measured_current, label="Measured")
ax2.plot(tp, calculated_current[self.current_time_indecies], label="Calculated")
ax2.set_xlabel("time, ms")
ax2.set_ylabel("current, pA/pF")
return res, fig
def covcor_from_lsq(res):
_, s, VT = svd(res.jac, full_matrices=False)
threshold = np.finfo(float).eps * max(res.jac.shape) * s[0]
s = s[s > threshold]
VT = VT[: s.size]
cov = np.dot(VT.T / s**2, VT)
std = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))
cor = cov / np.outer(std, std)
cor[cov == 0] = 0
return cov, cor
def plot_correlation_matrix(cor):
plt.imshow(cor, cmap='viridis', interpolation='nearest')
plt.title('Correlation Matrix')
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = "ltcc_current.h5"
eid = "0033635a51b096dc449eb9964e70443a67fc16b9587ae3ff6564eea1fa0e3437_2018.06.18 14:48:40"
data = Data(filename, eid)
fit = Fitter(Model, data)
fit_hist = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(fit.fit_results, orient='index').T
fit_hist.index.name = 'Iterations'
res_filename = f"fit_results_{eid}.csv"
res_filename = res_filename.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "-")
fit_hist.to_csv(res_filename, index=True)
eid_cleaned = re.sub(r'[^\w.-]', '', eid) # Eemalda kõik eritähed ja jääb alles alphanumbrilised tähed, sidekriipsud ja punktid
# plot_filename = "fit_plot"
# fig.savefig(f"{plot_filename}.png")
# fig.savefig(f"{plot_filename}.pdf")

statistiline_filter.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#%% import
import h5py
import os
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
from scipy.stats import f
from scipy.stats import shapiro
h5_file = 'ltcc_current.h5'
sobiv_eid_list = []
ttx_eid_list = []
teised_eid_list = []
with h5py.File(h5_file, 'r') as h5_file:
for eid in h5_file.keys():
if 'tag' in h5_file[eid].attrs:
tag_val = h5_file[eid].attrs['tag']
# pean tõdema, et siin aitas chatgpt oma soovitusega :/ vaga halb debug oli
if isinstance(tag_val, bytes):
tag_val = tag_val.decode('utf-8')
puhas_eid = eid.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "-")
fit_result_eid = "fit_results_" + puhas_eid
if tag_val == 'iso':
elif tag_val == 'ttx':
#for attr_key, attr_value in h5_file[eid].attrs.items():
#print(f"Atribute: {attr_key}, Value: {attr_value}")
file = 'ltcc_current.h5'
with h5py.File(file, 'r') as h5_file:
for eid in h5_file.keys():
puhastatud_eid = eid.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "-")
atribuudid = h5_file[eid].attrs
sex = atribuudid.get('sex')
spid = atribuudid.get('spid')
csv_file_name = f"fit_results_{puhastatud_eid}.csv"
if os.path.exists(csv_file_name):
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file_name)
df['sex'] = sex
df['spid'] = spid.replace("Mouse AGAT","")
df['eid'] = eid
df.to_csv(csv_file_name, index=False)
for fail in os.listdir():
if fail.endswith('.csv'):
eksperiment_id = fail.replace(".csv", "")
if eksperiment_id in sobiv_eid_list:
df = pd.read_csv(fail)
df['tag'] = 'iso'
df.to_csv(fail, index=False)
elif eksperiment_id in ttx_eid_list:
df = pd.read_csv(fail)
df['tag'] = 'ttx'
df.to_csv(fail, index=False)
df = pd.read_csv(fail)
df['tag'] = 'teised'
df.to_csv(fail, index=False)
comb_df = pd.DataFrame()
for filename in os.listdir():
if filename.endswith('.csv'):
df = pd.read_csv(filename)
if 'tag' in df.columns and df['tag'].isin(['iso', 'ttx']).all():
comb_df = pd.concat([comb_df, df], ignore_index=True)
#%% lugemine, et teha kindlaks mis tüüpi ANOVA teha kasutades statsmodels packetit,
sex_counts = comb_df['sex'].value_counts()
spid_counts = comb_df['spid'].value_counts()
tag_counts = comb_df['tag'].value_counts()
#%% normaalsuse kontroll
tau_xfer = comb_df['tau_xfer']
stat, p = shapiro(tau_xfer)
alpha = 0.05
if p > alpha:
print("Andmed on normaalselt jaotunud (ei lükka tagasi nullhüpoteesi)")
print("Andmed ei ole normaalselt jaotunud (lükata tagasi nullhüpotees)")
comb_df['spid'] = comb_df['spid'].astype('category')
comb_df['sex'] = comb_df['sex'].astype('category')
comb_df['tag'] = comb_df['tag'].astype('category')
model = ols('tau_xfer ~ C(sex) + C(spid)+ C(tag)', data=comb_df).fit()
anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)
#%% kriitiline vaartus
df_between_groups = 2 # Vabadusastmed gruppide vahel
df_within_groups = 67 # Vabadusastmed rühmades (Residual)
alpha = 0.05
critical_f = f.ppf(1 - alpha, df_between_groups, df_within_groups)
print("Kriitiline F-väärtus:", critical_f)
#%% kriitiline vaartus
df_between_groups = 2 # Vabadusastmed gruppide vahel (sex ja spid)
df_within_groups = 36 # Vabadusastmed rühmades (Residual)
alpha = 0.05
critical_f = f.ppf(1 - alpha, df_between_groups, df_within_groups)
print("Kriitiline F-väärtus:", critical_f)
groups = comb_df.groupby('tag')
iso_group = groups.get_group('iso')
ttx_group = groups.get_group('ttx')
print("ISO grupp:", iso_group)
print("nTTX grupp:", ttx_group)
#%% ANOVA jaoks on grupid piisavalt suured,
#allikas https://support.minitab.com/en-us/minitab/help-and-how-to/statistical-modeling/anova/how-to/one-way-anova/before-you-start/data-considerations/
f_statistic, p_value = f_oneway(iso_group['tau_xfer'], ttx_group['tau_xfer'])
#%% f_crit control
dfn = 2-1 #2 gruppi, miinus 1, hetkel ei lahendanud seda vaga automatiseeritult
dfd = len(iso_group) + len(ttx_group) - 2 #ka ei lahendanud automatiseeritult
alpha = 0.05
f_crit = f.ppf(1 - alpha, dfn, dfd)
#%% Väljastame tulemused
print("F-statistika:", f_statistic)
print("P-väärtus:", p_value)
print("F-kriitiline:", f_crit)